I was having a conversation with Mahesh one day about how one of my daughters was faring in her life and he wrote up a programme to help me resolve some of the issues that are present. He stated that this was because I used to be her father in another lifetime and I indulged her and could do a healing programme to resolve this. This healing was done remotely and that my daughter did not need to know or be aware of what I was doing.
I got the programme and the hard part for me was setting the time aside each day to do the healing that was required each and every day for a full month. I had many things going on in my life that I often felt too tired to want to take the time to do the fifteen minutes that was required.
For thirty days, I made myself do the healing for my daughter. Some days of course were easier than others and I did not struggle quite so much.Within the thirty day period, I noticed changes in my daughter. She started getting stronger mentally and I could see she was pulling herself up from the depths she had sunk down into and had not seemed to have any energy to change where she had gotten herself.
After the thirty days were over, my daughter had changed significantly. She had broken up with her abusive boyfriend and chucked him out of her flat. My girl is more decisive, more interested in her life and is making changes for the better.