About Me

Mahesh Gordhan

My transformation has enabled me to help others 

and now focused on helping our world.

After an exhilarating journey through numerous industries over more than two decades, I experienced a mind-blowing transformation thanks to regression therapy. This incredible process unleashed my previously hidden psychic abilities, opening my eyes to the amazing tools available for personal growth. With this newfound knowledge, I delved deeper into the realm of spirituality, diving into the mysteries of other dimensions and grounding it all in scientific understanding.

As an intensely passionate individual, my mission is to ignite the spark of goodness in people and contribute to creating a better world. With my scientific background and counseling expertise, I have explored a vast range of spiritual modalities from a holistic perspective. The culmination of my wisdom and experiences led me to write my debut book, “We Are Our Children,” offering invaluable insights and empowering others to overcome their self-limiting beliefs and behaviors.

But my journey doesn’t stop there. Now, I am embarking on an awe-inspiring endeavor to introduce the world to the incredible benefits of interdimensional technology. My focus lies on three game-changing areas: generating limitless energy, creating a universal communications device, and revolutionizing access to clean water.

Originally hailing from the mesmerizing landscapes of New Zealand, I have called the United Kingdom my home for the past two decades, with a decade of thrilling adventures in the vibrant city of London.

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